Saturday, September 27, 2014

"Me Time"

I was rushing out of the co-op social because I planned to go to the gym, skype Riley and go to bed relatively early that night. While saying goodbye to everyone, Sam introduced me to Kristina, so I explained to her how I need to go home and work out since I haven't had a chance all week, being occupied by French class, going out, French homework, skyping boy friend and parents. As I was just going to take off, she made her statements that shocked me - "Woah! Take it easy girl! Why are you so intense? Are you always on the go?" I didn't know what to respond to her... Wow, I thought I was very self-aware of what I am up to. But apparently someone I met for the first time is more aware of my mentality than me... I paused for a second and said: "Ya, I guess so..." I talked to her for a while before actually taking off. I felt nakedly exposed to her, but I was very glad I did.

On my way home, I started self-reflecting on how much "Me time" I have every week. "Me-time" meaning I am not interacting with others, not trying to finish a task, but being with my self and enjoy doing it. I remember telling Ryan how I am the kind of person that always needs attention and love from my environment, and I get energy from being around people. He responded to me: why don't you give yourself lots of love and get energy internally. I couldn't picture myself being such a introvert, but I see a valid point. Working in an environment where people are constantly moving around, talking on the phone, yelling across the room or through speakers as common forms of communication. I am constantly stimulated and excited. It is perfect for my personality. However, I have had a lifestyle of being highly stimulated outside of work as well. I do start to find that exhausting. In the day, the livelihood of the office get me charged with energy; while after work, the similar environment might start to drain me as there is a optimal level to everything. I watched a movie alone on my couch, with chips' company last Friday. I actually felt very good.
Right now, I am also sitting on my couch, having the "Me time". Looking out, it's gorgeous! Sunshine, water, sail boats and kayaks, people jogging, walking their dogs. Everyone needs some "Me-time" and weekend is perfect for it.

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